Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is music poetry?

Poetry is when someone describes a feeling, a story, or a situation in a flow that provides you with more wisdom.

Something is poetic to me when whatever your reading or hearing has at least these three things: 1)A flow or a beat that puts you in a mood whether it is slow and soft that relaxes you or a fast hard beadtthat brings you at attention. 2) A meaning or a purpose that shows you something that the writer notices like a different way of thinking or perspective. 3) brings on an after thought. Meaning once you hear that poetry it makes you feel the writer as if their words build a connection. 
To me a story isnt a poem if it has no purpose no deep meaning that is presented through every line.

India Arie song I am not my hair is pure poetry. While Teach me how to douggie isnt.

Little girl with the press and curl
Age eight I got a Jheri curl
Thirteen and I got a relaxer
I was a source of so much laughter
At fifteen when it all broke off
Eighteen and went all natural
February two thousand and two
I went on and did
What I had to do
Because it was time to change my life
To become the women that I am inside
Ninety-seven dreadlocks all gone
I looked in the mirror
For the first time and saw that HEY....

I am not my hair
I am not this skin
I am not your expectations no no
I am not my hair
I am not this skin
I am a soul that lives within

Breast Cancer and Chemotherapy
Took away her crown and glory
She promised God if she was to survive
She would enjoy everyday of her life ooh
On national television
Her diamond eyes are sparkling
Bald headed like a full moon shining
Singing out to the whole wide world like HEY...
 After reading this small clip you can see why this is poetry. You notice all 3 items
  • Flow- she is telling you the life story of her hair phases while rhyming and staying a a beat that people can follow her words and put them up at a cool vibe
  • A meaning- This song is expplaining how people go through various styles but at the end of the day my style doesnt define me. Even something simple like the way I wear my hair is constantly difference but it doesnt change who I am. " My physical appearance doesnt make me a better person nor a better friend.
  • An After thought- After hearing this song I have 3 afterthought: 1) how many times I hated who I am or what I was doing to to change I would cut my hair or change my style to start over. Ex: When a women gets a divorce or breaks up with heir boyfriends they go shoping and buy NEW clothes, go to the salon and get a NEW hair cut. 2) How often I have felt a certain way about someone based on how they look physically. Ex. When I picked the seat I am sitting in this class I thought that The people aroundme looked kool and would fit if I had to partner up with them. 3) The pain I felt and the hair I have for not being a lil mix to have "softer hair/ good hair" Every black girl can feel what she went through and the glory that is gone when we loose our hair.
Teach me how to douggie
  •  is only about a song a dance and being cool. There is nothing deep to  connect to or anything to learn  from the song. 
Most rap and hip Hop songs are music petic expressiong. Some have  all the things it takes to be poetry the flow, the message, the after though like Emimen song I'm not afraid". Some on the other hand dont like Biggy "I luv it when you call me big papa" .

I dont understand question #2

Social Relevance,heamatic, and Context Critic


1 comment:

  1. I love this India Arie song! It just exudes passion and pride...excellent selection. Part 2's second question was asking you which literary elements are present in hip hop & rap, such as metaphor, simile, rhyme, etc.

    You did not explain why you are all three of these types of critics.

    Thank you for sharing!
    Grade = 18/20
